Thursday, May 13, 2004

Prescription for Pride

Journal October 3, 2000

Here's a prescription for pride that God gave me during my recent visit to the soul clinic . . .

- An attitude adjustment
Why should I care? I could care less...
Why should I give a rip? Whatever!
If you’ve done it to others – then you’ve done it to God!
Matthew 25:40, 45

- A temperature adjustment
Crank it up – to Hot or Cold
Fire it up, or put it in the freezer
Revelation 3:14, 15

- Get Real!
Are you wearing the emperor’s new clothes? You may think you look good & you’re “stylin & profilin”, but you’re really buck - stark naked! Use the mirror of Scripture & schedule the Holy Spirit consultation with your conscience
Revelation 3:17

- Go shopping!
Buy the real stuff! The real thing! Accept no imitations
Revelation 3:18

- Timber! Get ready to fall
Proverbs 16:18

- The bigger they are... the harder they fall
Isaiah 2:11

Other “Big Cheeze” Heads who were popped (or will be popped soon)
- Lucifer Ezekiel 28:11-19, especially vs. 17
- Pharaoh of Egypt Exodus
- King Nebuchadnezzar Daniel 4:29-37


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